Integration Tests
The project comes with Arquillian based integration tests. To run the integration tests, you need a local running Java EE application server and Ethereum client node.
Ethereum client node
The integration tests use geth
Download geth
Start a geth
Ethereum client node in development mode via:
geth --dev --http --http.api eth,net,web3 --dev.period 1 --ws
Java EE Application Server
The integration tests can run against WildFly or JBoss EAP.
Start WildFly via:
cd wildfly-26.1.3.Final/bin
./ --server-config=standalone-full.xml
Run the integration tests via:
cd ethereum-resource-adapter
mvn clean install -Pintegration-tests-wildfly
JBoss EAP 7
Start JBoss EAP via:
cd jboss-eap-7.4/bin
./ --server-config=standalone-full.xml
Run the integration tests via:
cd ethereum-resource-adapter
mvn clean install -Pintegration-tests-wildfly