Ethereum Resource Adapter Oracle SPI

If you want to develop your own Gas Price Oracle, you need to provide an implementation against the Oracle SPI.

A basic implementation looks as follows:

public class MyGasPriceOracle implements GasPriceOracleSpi {

    public BigInteger getGasPrice(Integer maxDuration) {
        // do your magic here

    public BigInteger getMaxFeePerGas() {
        // do your magic here

    public BigInteger getMaxPriorityFeePerGas(Integer maxDuration) {
        // do your magic here

If you need access to the underlying Ethereum connection, you can inject it via:

private EthereumConnectionFactory ethereumConnectionFactory;

You can listen for several Ethereum events via CDI observers:

private void observePendingTransaction(@Observes PendingTransactionEvent pendingTransactionEvent) {

private void observeLatestBlock(@Observes LatestBlockEvent latestBlockEvent) {

public void observeConnectionStatus(@Observes ConnectionStatusEvent event) {

Ethereum Resource Adapter Oracle SPI Javadoc