This project hosts the specifications and client libraries for the eID Security Token Service Protocol.
eID authentication in a web context can be easily achieved using for example the eID Identity Provider. Different protocols can be used for web based authentication: SAML 2.0 Browser POST profile, WS-Federation web passive profile, OpenID 2.0, OAuth 2.0 or OpenID Connect. When a relying party (a web application) authenticates an end-user, based on the eID, it can trust the received claims.
In the context of native (desktop/fat-client) applications however, achieving a trust relationship towards a remote relying party can be a challenge. This project delivers a secure solution to authenticate native applications towards web services using the eID card. Via a WS-Trust Security Token Service (STS) we offer a server-side security verification of the eID authenticated data.
Check out the specification document and the different client libraries for more information.
We also offer information on integration with Windows Communication Foundation.
An implementation of the eID IP-STS is available at IAM STS.
An example web service that has been secured using the eID IP-STS is available at IAM Example.